Thursday, September 6, 2012


On October 16th, 2009, I was awakened me in the middle of the night by the phone ringing.  I let the machine answer and I heard two small dogs barking frantically but no human voice leaving a message.

I got up and looked at my caller ID. It was my friend Anthony who never calls me. We email each other occasionally but I had not spoken to him in years. I thought it must be important for him to call at this hour so I picked up the phone and said “Hello” and still no one was there . . . just these two little dogs barking.

I emailed him the next day and told him what happened. He immediately asked if I could come over and do a reading.

I drove over to his house where he informed me that he and his partner broke up and his partner took the two little min pins that Anthony had found on the street with him.

Anthony swore up and down and all around that he did not pick up the phone and call me.

He said "Bea, your phone number is not on my speed dial and not only that . . . the dogs were not even here last night. They are with Vince and I did not call you."

I was dumbfounded, I said, “How is that possible Anthony? I mean I got up and it was your name on the caller ID . . . which is why I emailed you to ask what was going on."

Clearly the dogs are not happy with the new living arrangements!

I told this story to a friend from Jersey and he said, "Are you tryin to tell me dat dawgs are cawlin you now."    I said, "No, I don't believe a dog picked up the phone and dialed my number.  I'm just telling you what happened."

Still scratching my head over this one. I just don't have a clue how it could be possible but this is a 100% true story.

Last year, I saw this little min pin posted on Facebook from a local shelter and decided I had to get him out.  I asked Anthony if he was ready for another little angel to love and he was.

                                           Anthony and Alex

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